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March 20 2003
In the early hours of 20 March, the US launched the war on Iraq.  By chance I had been drawn at no. 1 in the ballot for oral questions the next day.  I used the opportunity to call for the business of the House to be suspended now that we were engaged in a war based on misinformation that George Bush was feeding his people.  I have reproduced the Hansard record of the start of proceedings below.  Beneath that are links to interventions I have made during speeches made by the Prime Minister and Defence Secretary, Geoff Hoon, on this issue of US misinformation.

20 Mar 2003 : Column 1067

House of Commons

Thursday 20 March 2003

The House met at half-past Eleven o'clock


[Mr. Speaker in the Chair]

Oral Answers to Questions


The Secretary of State was asked—


Mr. Speaker: Order. Questions to the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry. I call Lynne Jones.

Lynne Jones (Birmingham, Selly Oak): Now we know that Bush is lying to the American people—

Mr. Speaker: Order. Why does the hon. Lady not say "Question 1"?

Lynne Jones: I will ask my question, but—

Mr. Speaker: Order. The Minister must reply. The hon. Lady has been here long enough to know that she should call Question 1.

Lynne Jones: I do believe that this House should be suspended—

Mr. Speaker: Order. I call Valerie Davey.

Intervention on the Prime Minister 18 March 2003

Intervention on the Defence Secretary 20 March 2003

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