Mon Mar 31 2025 21:19:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Welcome to my website!

I have lived in Birmingham all my life and am proud to have served as MP for Birmingham Selly Oak since 1992.

recycling with 'Brumcan'

On this site you will find information on my activities in Parliament, local issues that I am involved in and my contact details and Advice Bureaux times if you'd like to get in touch.


Under policy links, you will also find information on a wide range of topics including pensions, the economy, foreign affairs and science issues.

I hope you'll enjoy exploring the site and I welcome your feedback - don't forget to include your name and address if you want to email me.

If you want to check if I am your MP, click here.

Encouraging pedal power in Birmingham

This week's topical issue...

Blair keeps evidence from weapons inspectors

It's all on the web...

There is a wealth of information on the Parliament website:

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provision for Members of the UK Parliament.
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