Local Issues update October 2003

Shannon Road – street lighting

Popes Lane environment

NHS Complaints

Moseley Ward Environmental Improvements

Tackling anti-social behaviour

Shannon Road - street lighting

Funding of £427,000 has been approved by New Deal for Communities for improved street lighting on Shannon Road and Foyle Road.  The first phase on Shannon Road has now started with the second phase on Foyle Road to follow and the scheme will be completed by April 2004.

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Popes Lane - environment

For a long time, the land around Popes Lane has been in a very poor state.  The land has not been in use for such a long time that littering at this location is not seen as a concern by many.  The Council have now investigated the ownership of the land and have contacted the owners, Network Rail, and proposals should be put in hand to take down the fence, clear the land and have the fence re-erected with a gate.  Care will need to be taken to protect the variety of wildlife on site.   The proposals are only at a fairly early stage and Groundwork, a City environmental contractor, is hoping to get an agreement with Network Rail to carry out the work.

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NHS - complaints

Many constituents approach me with complaints about hospital treatment which they or their relatives have been dissatisfied with.  Although I can offer support with such complaints, in many instances it may be possible to resolve any problems quickly by contacting the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).

The vast majority of my constituents will usually receive their treatment at one or other of the hospitals operated by the University Hospital Trust, namely, Selly Oak and Queen Elizabeth Hospitals.  If you have any issues relating to your treatment at these hospitals, you can contact PALS on 0121 627 8820, write to them at: PALS, University Hospital Trust, Raddlebarn Road, BirminghamB29 6JD.

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Moseley Ward - environmental improvements

A number of useful environmental services are now available to residents of Moseley Ward thanks to the efforts of The Moseley Society, City Council and funding from the Government’s Neighbourhood Renewal Fund.  You can read about the services available by clicking here: http://www.moseley-society.org.uk/NewsletterOct03.pdf and reading page 2 of the newsletter.

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Tackling anti-social behaviour

The Government is pursuing a number of approaches in dealing with anti-social behaviour not least through the Anti-Social Behaviour Bill, which is currently before Parliament.  An Action Plan has also now been published which will pilot a number of projects throughout the UK to deal with such problems as nuisance neighbours, begging and a wide variety of environmental problems including the removal of abandoned cars and graffiti.  You can read the Action Plan in full by clicking here or, if you would prefer a shorter summary on the proposed initiatives, click here.

Please also see information under crime section.

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